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Educational resources

State and justice throughout history


An educational kit with PowerPoint presentations and exercises to introduce the legal aspect of laws, rights and freedoms, and the exercise of citizenship as part of the history and citizenship education program.


  • Understand the importance of the legal aspect in society
  • Compare our legal system with those of past civilizations: Mesopotamians, Greeks, and Romans
  • Explain more complex concepts: separation of powers, presumption of innocence, individual rights and freedoms, processes to amend laws, etc.

Documents and links


  • Type: Educational file
  • Target audiences: Secondary cycle 1 teachers
  • School subjects: History and Citizenship Education
  • Links with the Québec Education Program (QEP):
    • Broad area of learning: Citizenship and community life
      • Focus of development: Promotion of the rules of social conduct and democratic institutions
    • Cross-curricular competencies: Uses information, exercises critical judgement
  • Themes: Levels of government, Democratic institutions, Right to vote, Debate, Laws, Separation of powers
  • Author: Éducaloi
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