The Chief Electoral Officer is proposing to withdraw the authorization of the municipal political party Équipe CDN – NDG / Team CDN – NDG, pursuant to section 404 of the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (CQLR, c. E‑2.2), for the following reason:
- Failure to maintain, at all times, the minimum number of members who are qualified electors and hold a valid membership card as set out in the third paragraph of section 397, namely 100, in violation of section 399.2 of the AERM.
If you wish to make any comments or arguments regarding the withdrawal of this party’s authorization, you must submit them in writing no later than 4:30 p.m. on January 12, 2023, by e-mail, at [email protected], or by mail, at the following address:
Élections Québec
Direction du financement politique et des affaires juridiques
Service du Registre, de la coordination et de la conformité des contributions politiques
1045, avenue Wilfrid-Pelletier, bureau 200
Québec (Québec) G1W 0C6
Subject to any comments or arguments that the party concerned by this notice or other individuals or groups may make or put forward by January 9, 2023, the authorization of the municipal political party Équipe CDN – NDG / Team CDN – NDG will be withdrawn.
Given in Québec, on December 21, 2022
Pierre Reid
Chief Electoral Officer