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News archive

Since june 1, 2023, our news are published in French only.

21 June 2021

Citizen round table: two meetings dedicated to political financing

In recent weeks, members of the Citizen round table have discussed political financing during two half-day meetings. A topic discussed for the first time around the table. For this occasion, Élections Québec called upon two experts on the issues of political parties and political financing in Québec. Mr. Éric Montigny, professor in the Political Science Department […]

Categories: Institutional

20 May 2021

Citizen round table: Reflections on the communication campaign for municipal general elections, directives for election officers and the secure online application for entry on the list of electors service

On November 13, 2020, at the second online meeting of the Citizen round table, members studied three major projects of Élections Québec: the communication campaign for the 2021 municipal general elections, the directives for election officers and the secure online application for entry on the permanent list of electors service. As a result, they commented […]

Categories: Institutional

4 May 2021

Citizen round table: Members’ views on holding elections during a pandemic

On October 30, 2020, during their first online meeting, members of the Citizen round table discussed holding elections during a pandemic. On this occasion, they expressed their opinion on the accommodation measures considered by Élections Québec. They also discussed the messages to be conveyed to electors in the that context as well as the preferred […]

Categories: Institutional

7 October 2020

Élections Québec is seeking to hire a returning officer for the electoral division of Blainville

Returning officer is not your ordinary job. It involves coordinating, with the support of Élections Québec’s experienced staff, the organization and conduct of provincial elections across an entire electoral division over a period of 10 years. The person hired as returning officer must be available full time during provincial by-elections, general elections and referendums. In […]

Categories: Institutional, Jobs, Provincial

2 October 2020

2019-2020 Annual Report: A busy year and 31 recommendations for improving Québec’s election system

We have tabled our 2019-2020 Annual Management Report (in French only) in the Assemblée nationale and it is now available on our website. This year’s document compiles the 31 recommendations we have made in recent years for improving Québec’s election system. It also takes stock of the past financial year, which included a by-election in the […]

Categories: Institutional

25 September 2020

Bill on the protection of personal information: Mr. Reid makes recommendations and submits a brief

Chief Electoral Officer, Pierre Reid, participated in the particular consultations on Bill No. 64 and submitted a written brief on this matter on September 22, 2020. This bill proposes amendments to several acts, including the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector and the Election Act. During his visit, Mr. Reid […]

Categories: Institutional

22 September 2020

Now is the time for primary and secondary schools to register for the Vox populi: Ta démocratie à l’école! program

The Vox populi: Ta démocratie à l’école! program is the result of a partnership between Élections Québec, the Assemblée nationale du Québec and the Fondation Jean-Charles-Bonenfant. It supports schools and student council coordinators who want to bring democracy to life in their schools. It offers, free of charge, a personalized support service, voting material, pedagogical […]

Categories: Democracy education, Institutional

31 August 2020

Democracy is recruting!

Élections Québec is launching a competition to fill vacant returning officer positions in 49 electoral divisions across Québec. Returning officer is not your ordinary job. It involves coordinating, with the support of Élections Québec’s experienced staff, the organization and conduct of provincial elections across an entire electoral division for a period of 10 years. Returning […]

Categories: Institutional, Jobs

11 June 2020

Internet voting: study filed and mandate requested to continue with our work

Élections Québec filed its study on Internet voting in the National Assembly today. This study: Evaluates the effects of a potential introduction of Internet voting on Québec’s electoral system. Explains issues surrounding the introduction of this voting option, in particular based on past experiences in Canada and around the world. Presents the risks associated with Internet […]

Categories: Institutional, Voting

7 June 2020

Democracy has been at the centre of our activities for 75 years!

Élections Québec celebrates its 75th anniversary on June 7, 2020. We’ve come a long way since 1945! The fact that Quebecers can select their representatives by means of free and fair elections is one of the cornerstones of our democracy. Indeed, safeguarding democracy is our main focus and the most important aspect of our mission. […]

Categories: Institutional

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