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This page contains text and images that we make available to anyone interested in encouraging their contacts to participate in democratic life. French texts are available in the French version of this page. We deeply appreciates your help in sharing this information with those around you. Thanks for getting involved!

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Accessibility criteria for each polling place are now available on the Élections Québec website! 

Élections Québec uses several measures to make voting more accessible to persons with disabilities. Enter your address on its website, review the accessibility criteria for your polling place and contact your returning officer if they don’t meet your needs. 

Enter your address to check them:———–

Facebook and LinkedIn #2

Élections Québec recognizes that some people have disabilities and face obstacles in their day-to-day activities. That is why it now lists the accessibility features of each polling place on its website.

Check the accessibility features of your polling places now! If they don’t meet your needs, contact your returning officer to arrange to vote at a different location. Your returning officer’s contact information is available on the Élections Québec website.

Enter your address to check them:

Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram

Élections Québec offers several measures to make voting more accessible to persons with special needs. You can:

➡️ Request the accessibility kit. It contains a magnifying glass with a light, a clipboard, pencils with adapted grip, voting templates and a poster of the candidates with their names in large print.

➡️ Ask for the Simplified guide for provincial election in Uncontracted Braille, in American sign language or in audio format.

➡️ Use visual and tactile interpretation services, Élections Québec will cover the cost (ask for details).

➡️ Get help from someone accompanying you or an election officer to mark your ballot paper.

The election officers will be able to help you if have special needs when you vote!



Accessibility criteria for each polling place are now available on the Élections Québec website! 

Enter your address on its website, review the accessibility criteria for your polling place and contact your returning officer if they don’t meet your needs.———–

#qc2022 #vote #ÉlectionsQuébec #polqc

X (Twitter) #1

You can review the accessibility criteria for your polling place on the Élections Québec website. Enter your address on its website, review the accessibility criteria for your polling place and contact your returning officer if they don’t meet your needs:

X (Twitter) #2

Accessibility criteria for each polling place are now available on the Élections Québec website! Enter your address, review the accessibility criteria for your polling place and contact your returning officer if they don’t meet your needs:

X (Twitter) #3

@Electionsquebec offers measures for people who need assistance to vote: templates, luminous magnifiers, special pencils, payment for interpretation services, and guides in Uncontracted Braille, American sign language and audio format. Info:

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Provincial Elections 2022 - Need help voting?

Provincial Elections 2022 - Accessibility criteria for polling places

Provincial Elections 2022 - Accessibility criteria for polling places

Election simulations in schools


In light of the upcoming provincial elections, Élections Québec invites schools and organizations to register for the Voters in Training program. Voters in Training provides a turnkey simulated election that introduces youth to their right to vote.

Voters in Training will have an opportunity to:

  • vote for candidates from their school or organization;
  • use ballot papers, ballot boxes and polling booths;
  • understand the different steps in the election process.

All election materials (ballot boxes, polling booths and ballot papers), as well as educational activities to prepare for the election, are provided free of charge. Furthermore, everyone who holds a simulated election, will be entered to win a $500 or $1000 prize!

Register by September 16. The results will be posted the day after the elections on the Élections Québec website.

For more information, please visit the Voters in Training webpage


Coinciding with the provincial elections, Élections Québec’s Voters in Training program offers schools and organizations the opportunity to carry out a simulated election for their youth.

Voters in Training will be introduced to the electoral process by voting for candidates from their school or organization. With this turnkey package, holding a simulated election is a breeze! Élections Québec provides all the material (ballot boxes, polling booths and ballot papers), as well as educational activities you can hold to prepare for the election. Everyone who holds a simulated election will be entered to win a $500 or $1000 prize!

Want to register your school or organization? You can do so until September 16. Simulated election results will be announced the day after the provincial elections. For more information, please visit the Voters in Training webpage

X (Twitter)

Provincial elections: Hold a simulated election for your kids with @electionsquebec! It’s easy: materials and activities are provided free of charge. Deadline to register: September 16. For more information:


In light of the upcoming provincial elections, Élections Québec invites schools and organizations to organize a simulated election with their Voters in Training program! All materials are provided free of charge. Want to register your school or organization? Do so by September 16 on the @electionsquebec website.


With the upcoming provincial elections, Élections Québec invites schools and organizations to introduce youth to their right to vote. The Voters in Training program offers a turnkey solution for conducting a simulated election.

All the necessary materials (ballot boxes, polling booths and ballot papers) and educational activities to prepare for the election are provided free of charge.

Immersed in the experience of a simulated election, Voters in Training will have the opportunity to:

  • vote for candidates from their school or organization;
  • use ballot papers, ballot boxes and polling booths;
  • understand the different steps in the election process.

Furthermore, everyone who holds a simulated election, will be entered to win a $500 or $1000 prize! You have until September 16 to register. For more information, please visit the Voters in Training webpage:

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2022 Provincial elections - Simulated election for young people! Registration: May 30 to September 16

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2022 Provincial elections - Simulated election for young people! Registration: May 30 to September 16

On-campus voting


Vote between two classes!

Polling stations for students and staff members will be open on many campuses on September 23, 27, 28 and 29. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🗳️

You will vote for one of the candidates running in your home electoral division.

Visit the Élections Québec website to learn more details and to check if your vocational training centre, CEGEP, college or university is hosting a polling station:


During the provincial election, our campus will be hosting a polling station on September 23, 27, 28 and 29. You could vote between two classes! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🗳️

Students and staff members will vote for one of the candidates running in their home electoral division.


X (Twitter) and Instagram

Our campus will be hosting a polling station on September 23, 27, 28 and 29. You could vote between two classes! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🗳️

Students and staff members will vote for one of the candidates running in their home electoral division.



X (Twitter) and Instagram

Vote between two classes!

Polling stations for students and staff members will be open on many campuses on September 23, 27, 28 and 29. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️🗳️

You will vote for one of the candidates running in your home electoral division.



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2022 provincial elections - Vote between two classes! There may be a polling station on your campus.

Small polling stations


As part of the October 3 provincial elections, Élections Québec is inviting electors to bring their children with them when they go voting to introduce them to the exercise of the right to vote! 🗳️

With small polling stations set up in each polling location, children will be able to vote, just like their parents, by answering a question specially designed for them. Following their parent’s example, they will be able to fill out their ballot paper and deposit it in the ballot box. 

The results of this vote will be released the day after the elections. To find out more about the question or for more information, visit the Voters in Training page:


In preparation for the October 3 provincial elections, Élections Québec is offering electors the opportunity to experience the elections as a family!

Parents are invited to introduce their children to the electoral process by accompanying them to the small polling stations. Set up in each polling place, the small polling stations allow children to vote, like their parents, by answering a question specially designed for them.

For more information on this Voters in Training initiative, visit

X (Twitter)

October 3 provincial elections: children can vote too! 😍 At the @ElectionsQuebec small polling stations, little electors can answer a question specially designed for them. All the info at


During the October 3 provincial elections, children will also be able to vote! Parents are invited to accompany their children to the @ElectionsQuebec small polling stations. Youth will be able to familiarize themselves with the steps in the election process while having fun. All the info at

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Élections provinciales 2022 - Small polling stations

Voting at home

All social medias #1

During the provincial election, you and your caregiver can vote at home if you are unable to move about for health reasons. You can also register or make changes to your entry on the list of electors at home, at the same time.

You must contact your returning officer to make a request before September 19, 2022.


All social medias #2

Are you unable to move about for health reasons? 

You and your caregiver can vote in an advance poll at home. 

To apply, contact the returning officer of your electoral division before September 19.

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Provincial Elections 2022 - Are you unable to move about for health reasons?

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