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Obtaining authorization as a private intervenor


If you are an elector interested in expressing your preferences or opinions, you may need to obtain authorization as a private intervenor.

You are free to participate in political debates at any time by expressing your preferences and opinions, even if you do not have authorization, so long as it costs you nothing to do so. A free social media post (e.g., on Facebook or X (Twitter)) is not considered an election expense, even if it is of a partisan nature. It is therefore allowed.

Rules governing interventions in the political debate

During an election period, if you plan to incur expenses associated with a political intervention, you must obtain private intervenor status. This status allows you to spend up to $300 on advertising over the course of the election period. The advertising must be for one of the following purposes:

  • Expressing an opinion on a matter of public interest or seeking support for such an opinion
  • Advocating abstention or the spoiling of ballots

As a private intervenor, you are required to pay for advertising out of your own funds or the funds of group members. The advertising must not directly or indirectly promote or oppose the election of any candidate. A private intervenor may not be or become a member of a political party during the election period.

Groups of electors

A group of electors may obtain private intervenor status if it is not incorporated and if the majority of its members are qualified electors. The group may not include any legal persons (businesses, associations, unions, etc.).

Members must designate one person from the group to represent them.

Advertising expenses

Advertising expenses must be paid by the authorized person(s). All associated costs paid by the private intervenor constitute advertising expenses. Such costs may include those related to the design, production, installation and broadcast of an advertisement, regardless of the technology or medium used.

A paid post on social media (e.g., Facebook or X (Twitter)) must be treated as an advertising expense. However, a regular social media post that does not involve incurring any costs is not subject to measures for the control of election expenses or the rules governing the activities of private intervenors.

How to obtain authorization

To obtain authorization, you need to complete a form and submit it to the appropriate person.

Other resources

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

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