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Commission de la représentation électorale

CRE public consultations on dividing the territory of certain municipalities into electoral districts


When a sufficient number of electors object to a by-law dividing a municipality into electoral districts, the Commission de la représentation électorale shall hold a public consultation to hear the opinions of electors, organizations, and representatives of the municipality.

Lorsqu’un nombre suffisant d’électrices et d’électeurs d’une municipalité s’opposent à son règlement de division en districts électoraux, la Commission de la représentation électorale tient une consultation publique afin d’entendre les électeurs, les organismes ainsi que les représentantes et représentants de la municipalité.

Following public consultation, the Commission may divide the territory itself or maintain the division proposed by the municipality.

2020 public consultations

Public consultations held in 2020 resulted in the establishment of new electoral maps for two municipalities for the general elections scheduled for November 7, 2021. A two-fold approach was taken for these public consultations. For the first component, written documents from parties wishing to submit their opinions were accepted; then, the public was invited to attend a consultation session via videoconference or telephone.

Rimouski: October 21, 2020

Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac: October 7, 2020

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